The extension download is absolutely free. However, if it's saved you some time and you'd like to thank me by buying me a beer, please feel free to Venmo me at @JT-Cattelan




What is it?

Artboard Renamer is a Photoshop Extension that allows you to quickly rename all of your artboards with their dimensions.

Why do I need it?

If you work with artboards much in Photoshop, you will notice that there is no easy way to access dimensions from each artboard - let alone include those dimensions in the name of the file. Until this feature becomes implemented by Adobe, this tool allows you to quickly batch rename your artboards so that exporting and file navigation is a breeze.

How do I install it?

This extension is a Photoshop panel that is packaged as a .zxp file. Once you download the .zxp file below, there are multiple ways to install it but I highly recommend and personally use Anastasiy's Extension Manager. It will allow you to easily install/remove/update Photoshop extensions. Once installed, it will appear in Photoshop in the menus "Window->Extensions" where it can then be docked in a side panel.

How To Use

Choosing Units

Default - When this setting is checked it takes whatever unit your document is currently using. If you aren't sure what you're document is currently in, you can check or change it by right-clicking on the ruler bar and selecting a unit. This method is what you will want to use if you are using units such as MM, CMs, Picas, or Percentages

Pixels/Inches - Quickly changes your units to Pixels or Inches if you are unsure of what your document is currently set at. Be aware that currently it is programmed to round to the nearest 2 decimal places. So .125 will appear as .13

Display Units

Toggle switch - This option controls whether or not you want the suffix to appear in the name. For example if you would prefer the name to say 500x500 instead of 500 x 500 px

Name Options

Overwrite - When checked,this option will overwrite whatever the artboards are currently named with just the dimensions of the artboards

Add Beginning - This option allows you to add the dimension to the beginning whatever the artboard is currently named. For example if your artboard was named "Artboard 1", after running this option it would be something like "500x500 Artboard 1". Be aware that running this multiple times will keep adding new dimensions to the name.

Add End - Same as previous option but adds dimension to the end of current name.

Custom + Size - Allows you to enter a custom name for the artboards that will then have the dimension added to the end. For example if you wanted to name something "Spring Game Promo 500x500" you would enter "Spring Promo" in the text input. Be aware that entering special characters like slashes and apostraphes can make this not work as I have not programmed a character validator yet.

Size + Custom - Same as previous option but adds the dimension to the beginning of the custom text.


Errors - If you encounter an error, please make sure that an artboard or layer is selected in your active Photoshop document.

Save - I am not responsible for lost work. Use at your own discretion. Make sure to save your work before running this extension in case of errors you can revert back.

© J.T. Cattelan | 2019 | Follow me on Twitter